Monthly Archives: December 2011

Northern California Cruisin’

There’s nothing like getting out on the open road in your favorite classic car. As much as we like to talk about them, find them, fix them, and pamper them, in the end driving them is what it is all about for a lot of us. This is what makes collector car cruises so much fun.

When you identify the perfect car show or cruise and mark that date on your calendar you feel a sense of anticipation as the weeks pass and the event gets closer and closer. So the experience is actually providing you with fun on three different levels.

You’re sitting around at home or at work embedded in the day-to-day grind, so it feels good to research the car cruises that are coming up and decide which ones you’re going to be able to go to.

Then once you have made your decisions, you can make specific plans, check out hotels and restaurants in the area, and so on and this is fun in its own right.

And of course, the ultimate culmination of it all is actually attending the event and hanging out with fellow classic car fans as you create a world of your own for a couple of days.

The above having been stated, if you live in Northern California or have the desire to visit this beautiful part of the country you may want to consider attending the Biggest Little Car Show. This show is put on by the Golden Hills Mustang Club, and it is going to take place on May 19th of 2012.

The location will be at the Waterfront Plaza in Suisun City, which is just about midway between San Francisco and Sacramento. This is going to be the 28th Biggest Little Car Show so you can be sure that the Golden Hills Mustang Club has learned how to do it up right.

This is an extraordinary event taking place in a special part of the country and if you can make it this year a good time is guaranteed!

The Woodward Dream Cruise

There are some things that you can debate, like whether or not the Beatles were better than the Rolling Stones or whether Chicago style pizza beats New York style. The one thing you cannot question is the fact that Detroit, Michigan was ground zero during the classic era of American cars.

There was a time when life revolved around your ride, especially when you were young and it represented your home away from home. This era has been documented quite well in movies and on television, with people cruising up and down certain streets, visiting drive-in restaurants and taking in drive-in movies. Gas was cheap, things were simple, and life was grand.

In the Detroit area, that street was Woodward Avenue.

If only we could take this era in American history and make it stand still so that we could revisit it again…is this just a dream? In fact, just such an opportunity exists but it only comes once a year in the form of the Woodward Dream Cruise.

If you love collector car cruises you should make a trip to the Woodward Dream Cruise in Detroit an annual pilgrimage. It is a true extravaganza, the largest single day classic car event anywhere with upwards of a million and a half people participating each year.

The Woodward Dream Cruise is held annually on the third Saturday in August. This year the big event will take place on Saturday, August 18th and it runs from nine in the morning until nine at night. You can expect to see over 40,000 totally cool collector cars, and the honest truth is that if you love cars you’ll have the time of your life at the Woodward Dream Cruise. See you on Woodward next summer, and as they say in the malt shop, be there or be square.

Collector Car Cruises

Welcome to the Collector Car Cruises blog!

There was once a time when it was difficult to find information about anything that was not happening right in your local area, and sometimes things that were happening close to you could sometimes slip past you if you didn’t happen to be in the right place at the right time.

However, these days we live in the information age and you can find out about just about anything quickly and easily with the simple click of a mouse as you sit in front of your computer.

We are taking full advantage of this opportunity and we are dedicated to providing you with all the information that you need when you’re looking for collector car cruises both right outside your door and all around the country.

As we go through life we can sometimes feel as though a lot of people don’t “get it.” This is why it is so rejuvenating to join in a gathering of people who share the same passions that you do, and this is what collector car cruises are all about. You spent a lot of time and effort on your collector cars and you want to get out and show people what you’ve got, and there are lots people like you who want to do the same.

Collector car cruises provide that opportunity and as classic car fans we understand how much fun it can be to get together with other people who enjoy these cars as much as we do. If you are a true-school fan of classic and collectible cars this is a website that you’re going to want to bookmark and visit often because we will keep you up-to-date on all the collector car cruises that are taking place from coast-to-coast on a regular basis.

And, if you have some information to share about a collector car cruise that you are aware of by all means feel free to leave a comment and contribute to the ongoing flow of information on this blog created by collector car fans for the benefit of other collector car fans.